I have noticed that when we age we forget how to play. As children we make games full of imagination, but as adults we are so serious - WHY? I think if we remember how to play then the world would be a kinder place. So as of today lets play the Glad Game!
What is the Glad Game, you might ask. It is the game of finding something to be glad for no matter what the situation. Some might remember it featured in the Disney movie 'Pollyanna'. Sort of like counting your blessings or finding the silver lining.
My son was having some very angry days so I would ask him to list all the things he enjoyed or was thankful for when he was boiling mad. At first he would start out grumpy then it would ease and by the time he had listed about ten things he would relax. The more he thought about things he was GLAD for the better he felt. Concentrating on the good changed his whole day and how he treated others.
In my own life I have seen magical changes just by playing. I was in a rut, depressed, over weight, and a huge lack of caring about anything. It affected everything in my life. Then I remembered how to play. I started looking for the good. I started listing the good in my life and being thankful. Of course it did not fix everything but it did change how I look at things. Playing gave me HOPE, AMBITION, and HAPPINESS.
When you are happy then the world is a different place; it is magical! Open your eyes, heart, and mind and you too can find the magic in your world. No matter who you are there is always some thing to be GLAD for.
Start a revolution in your life, family, and town. Spread the GLAD GAME!