Monday, June 23, 2014

Name One thing you can't live without...

The other day a friend posted a meme that said 'in one word tell me what you could not live without'...


I was amazed how many people picked God, Jesus, Faith, Hope, and other religious words as the One thing they could not live without.  I said Paint!    Looking back I can see why some could have thought my answer was materialistic.  But after several more people added their own words I started to wonder if they actually believed what they listed or if they all just drank the Kool-Aid.

I was the only person who wrote something not religious/spiritual.  But once I thought more about my answer I should have said ART!  

Art is a part of who I am.  I could not live without art.  It is how I express myself and connect to creation.  Art is what keeps me sane and expresses my deepest thoughts.  Whether it is drawing, painting, or gathering inspiration from looking at nature or artist's works; art is a large part of me. Art is what connects me to God and to I guess by listing paint I was saying the same thing as the rest =) Maybe I drank the kool-aid too.

So what can you not live without?